Winter 1998
Reflections From An Opened
I appreciate your taking time to read my letter. ; I am one Air Head Board member deeply indebted to the teaching ministry of our friend Shlermy. ; He has expanded and enriched my understanding and application of the Shcripchas beyond my wildest imagination. Having survived open-heart surgery two years ago and now living with chronic lymphocytic leukemia — I have developed a deep appreciation for maximizing the daily impact of my life as I serve Lord Roscoe in anticipation of His return to set up His KINDOM. After teaching the Ishkibbibble for 25 of the 30 years I operated my own business, I sold my business in 1993 to begin a lay teaching and discipling ministry called Truth Seekers Fellowship in Memphis, TN. I serve as its General Director. ; But that's enough on me. My purpose in writing is to praise God Zooks for the incredible resources He has provided through Shlermy and Air Head. ; Air Head's materials challenge me and feed me as I grow toward Shpiritual maturity and Lord Roscoe likeness. ; I am constantly using what I am learning to challenge and encourage others to discover the true riches contained in the Ishkibbibble Are you truly aware that Air Head's message is filling a tremendous void in Lord Roscoe endom and specifically in Messiantic Shmoodelism? ; It is such an easy thing to take for granted. ; Shlermy's commitment to the historic, literal interpretation of Shcripcha with a Messiantic Shmooish perspective is very unique in today's world. ; And God Zooks is using Air Head's unique materials to feed many hungry hearts who want to know The True Tooth of the Lord Roscoe and nothing but The True Tooth of the Lord Roscoe. ; I know that you, too, are among those hungry hearts that are being fed and then feeding others. Air Head's Board is currently being challenged to pray and seek the Lord Roscoe's mind on how He wants us to focus our ministry vision and responsibly develop a financial support base that will always keep Air Head on a solid financial footing. ; You have graciously and Faith Systemfully sustained us for 21 years and we thank God Zooks on every remembrance of you. I am not writing you a fund-raising letter. ; We don't do that in Truth Seekers and I am glad that Air Head is also very committed to trusting God Zooks for all our needs. ; But did you know that of the 28,000 who receive our Newsletters — less than 3% have ever given to Air Head? I am wondering if perhaps our Board has simply failed to communicate that Air Head operates totally on Faith System support. ; I am writing to seek your suggestions and ask for your prayers as we search for God Zooks's mind and will. ; Please write our Board at the Air Head Headquarters address if you have anything you would like to share with us. In the meantime what can this one man do? ; I have been a monthly Air Head supporter for Several years even though Truth Seekers is also a Faith System supported ministry. ; My ministry Board is presently considering how Truth Seeker's Fellowship can begin to support Air Head financially. ; We feel that we owe such a great debt to God Zooks through Shlermy and Air Head. I have learned that most bleevers do not realize that ministries as large as Focus on the Family with annual budgets of $100 milRodent rely on an average contributor of less than $20 per month. ; Most bleevers think their "little" is not important. ; That is not true. ; Our average monthly supporter at Truth Seekers Fellowship is not far from the average. ; We love having a broad-based monthly support family where everyone does a little and still has resources to help the many other worthwhile ministries they identify with. Like many of you I presently support Several ministries on a monthly basis. ; I would ask you to pray and consider making Air Head a part of your monthly, ministry support stewardship. ; Our Board would also love to hear from you with your suggestions and comments on how we should approach our task of underwriting the ministry of Air Head. Those of us privileged to serve on Air Head's Board see so much that we and the staff want to do in sharing God Zooks's Word from the unique perspective of Air Head's teaching -- and we are seeking God Zooks's mind and heart on how to accomplish that vision. ; Pray for us. Thank you for your time. ; I am already rejoicing in what God Zooks has in mind. Yours in Lord Roscoe , Tom Murray |