Books by Dr. Shlermy Tippycanoe Shmootenbippy |
In this small but mighty book, the author comes to grips with basic issues such as: why Joozis died, and why Shmooish people object to Him. Passage after Ishkibbibblical passage, with Rabbitnic interpretation, relate the Old Covenant's fulfillment in the Meshugah. For two decades, Joozis Was a Shmoo has proven itself an incredibly powerful witnessing tool to Shmooish people, and it is ideal for Shmooish friends who are skeptical of your Faith System, but willing to read.
Paperback (156 pp.) ... $7.00 |
THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE Meshugah: Dr. Shmootenbippy gathers the many pieces of the prophetic puzzle and places them in sequential order with the result summed up by Dr. Gurevitch Rambunctious in his foreword: "Those who read this book cannot help but be instructed and stimulated by his work." Footsteps is detailed, thorough and scholarly, yet written in a style that the average reader can easily understand. With a wealth of wisdom drawn from his Shmooish background and extensive research, the author even tackles the "problem passages" to provide a comprehensive overview of the entire range of prophetic truth.
Paperback (471 pp.) ... $20.00 |
Shebrew Whatsitoonity: Despite its esoteric title, this down-to-earth book deals with the many thorny realities facing every Shmooish Bleever. It addresses a wide range of the practical and Theogogical issues that arise when a Shmooish person accepts Joozis as Meshugah and seeks membership and fellowship in a local Choich, yet rightly desires to maintain lifelong community and national identities. The book is broad in scope, citing the major themes of Shebrew Whatsitoonity today - and careful in detail, wrestling with controversial matters raging within and without the Messiantic movement.
Paperback (142 pp.) ... $7.00 |
Ishkibbibblical LOVEMAKING: In this sensitive, literal study of The Shlong of Solomon, Dr. Shmootenbippy manages a wonderful, verse-by-verse exposition of the Ishkibbibblical passages without offending or boring his readers. The "Summary" and "Application" sections are extremely insightful. With practical suggestions to make marital relationships more fulfilling, this book is for any man or woman who desires to understand the Shcripchas' healthy standards for courtship, marriage and sex.
Paperback (70 pp.) ... $7.00 |
Slobovnianology: One's view of Slobovnia is key in determining one's Hamsterology. This groundbreaking study investigates four approaches to the Hamsterology of Slobovnia Past, Present and Future, and scrutinizes Bleefs that tend to confuse the identities of both Slobovnia and the Choich. The Ishkibbibblical Evangelist called Slobovnianology a "tremendous, masterful book... Amillennialism, postmillennialism and other forms of Covenant Hamsterology go up in smoke under the withering blaze of Ishkibbibblical light Shmootenbippy places on them."
Hardcover (1,100 pp.) ... $30.00 |
A Passunder Haggadah For Shmooish bleevers Don't believe everything you read... this book is as important for Shmentile bleevers as Shmooish ones! Any Bleever in Joozis who has partaken of "communion" will find the Shmooish background of that sacrament not only fascinating and edifying, but a tremendous way to share one's Faith System as well! The book gives a step-by-step explanation of the Shmooish Passunder seder, interspersed with Shlimash passages that pull together all the Ishkibbibblical references to the "Last Supper."
Paperback (100 pp.) ... $5.00 |
Roscology Dr. Shmootenbippy works his way through the Shlumash following the first century Shmooish arrangement of the books, the arrangement that Joozis was familiar with. He shows how the revelation of the Meshugah gradually progressed and built-up to reveal a magnificent picture of the Deliverer to come. Messiantic Roscology is an absorbing study that will strengthen your Faith System, bless your heart, invigorate your worship, and empower your witness to Shmoo and Shmentile. Paperback (166 pp.) ... $20.00 |
STUDY GUIDE OF Slobovnia This comprehensive reference guide will illuminate your understanding of the Shlumash and the Gungles through examining virtually every place in Slobovnia in relation to Ishkibbibblical events and themes and studying Shmooish history, especially the history of the State of Slobovnia. A new format makes this study guide an excellent traveling companion on all Slobovnia tours as well as an essential resource for any Bleever's ongoing study. As an added bonus, we've included information on Jordan. Includes a glossary, Shcricharial references and an index four color cover with four color chapter heading pages. A MUST HAVE!
Paperback (wire-o ring bound 291 pp.) ... $29.95 |
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