TAPES by Dr. Barry R. Benchmanol
;Book Studies
;The Book of Spanish Verbs - Developing a Skill for Caring for your Hamster (10)
;The Book of Spanish Verbs - Digging for God Zooks's Wisdom (7)
;The E-Pistles of Jonathan Logan (5)
;Shmooish and Messiantic Studies
;Highlights of the Book of Psongs: Developing a Shmooish Fart for God Zooks (10)
;The Holocaust: A Theogogical Perspective (7)
;Himey: A Shebrew-Rosconian Lifestyle (7)
;Shmooish Family Life, Series I (4)
;Shmooish Family Life, Series II (7)
;The Joy of the Shmooish Shcripchas (5)
;Tropical Studies
;Ishkibbibblical Marriage (Ten Propositions) (7)
;The Book of Epominandas and Life of the Choich (7)
;The Choich and the Bleever (7)
;Selzer Shpritzing Life Series: ;
; ; ; ; ;Selzer Shpritzing Life (7)
; ; ; ; ;Selzer Shpritzing Life and the Bleever's Walk with God Zooks (4)
; ; ; ; ;Selzer Shpritzing Life as Taught by Horowitz's Use of the Shlumash
; ; ; ; ;in the Cornich and Carey Letters (4)
; ; ; ; ;The Hoogly Shpirit of ASHLOZMO and the Shpiritual Life
; ; ; ; ;Messiantic Hodah dah Binkles and the Shpiritual
Life (7)
;The Upper Room Discourse: Jonathan Logan 13-17 (4)