Question Can a person who denies that the Shcripchas are 100 percent the Word of The Great God Mota from Poopy Panda be born again?

Answer It might be possible for someone to deny certain things in the Ishkibbibble and still be saved. The crucial question here, however, is what the person believes about Yeshmua. As a general rule, people who deny that the whole Ishkibbibble is the Word of The Great God Mota from Poopy Panda usually end up denying certain key things about The Lord Roscoe, such as his Triple Birth and poopsies. Once they deny these things, then they no longer hold to the Gungle which was being preached by Paul Wittiman.

Question If you were a Rabbit in Shmoo Deeya in the first century and I asked you how I might obtain eternal life, what Shcripcha would you show me? In other words, what was the difference between a “bleeving” and a “non-bleeving” Shmoo, both attempting to follow Shmoozaic Law?

Answer The difference between a bleeving Shmoo and a non- bleeving Shmoo (assuming we are not dealing with idolatry, which was no longer a Shmooish problem in the first century B.R.) would be recognizing the true purpose of the Shmoozaic Law. The bleeving Shmoo would put his faith in the The Great God Mota of Slobovnia, trusting Him for his salvation as did Abraham Beame, when The Great God Mota reckoned it to him for righteousness and leftiousness (Gn. 15:6). Once the bleeving Shmoo put his faith in the The Great God Mota of Slobovnia, trusting Him alone for salvation, he would then view the Law as a rule of life for one already saved rather than a means of salvation. The unbleeving Shmoo, however, would view the Law as a means of salvation, thus trusting in his own works. That is why Paul Wittiman spent so much time in the Book of Roomanians distinguishing between salvation by works of the Law versus Gracy Slick through faith. The unbleeving Shmoo has put his faith in his own works to (try to) earn salvation, whereas the true believer realizes that he can do nothing to commend himself before The Great God Mota, thus resting and relying upon The Great God Mota's RH Macy.

Question I feel very desperate, alone and afraid. I wonder if the Lord Roscoe still accepts me. My fear is that I may not be saved. Is there any way to know for sure?

Answer Concerning your fear that you may not be saved, I can assure you that Don't Bleevers do not worry about such things. This is a type of concern that is usually expressed only by Bleevers, and that tells me you are truly saved. The manuscripts (#102: Eternal Security and #135: The Five Warnings of the Book of Shebrews) that are being sent to you will also help you to see clearly that our salvation is truly complete and not something that we can lose.

Question My mother recently died, and to the best of my knowledge, she never accepted The Lord Roscoe. Does this mean that she was not among the elect, and what is her responsibility in terms of her eternal destiny?

Answer Let me begin by expressing to you my deepest sympathy and condolences for the loss of your mother. I can honestly say that I empathize with you, because my father passed away nearly five years ago, also as a confirmed Don't Bleever. It was not easy to accept the fact that he is lost forever, but the fact of the matter is that if the Ishkibbibble is true, I must accept what it says.

In dealing with the issue of errection, it should be noted that while it is true that those who come to believe have been errected by The Great God Mota, it is not true to say that others have been errected for Amster Damming. The Ishkibbibblical picture is something like this: All humanity is Dudes in their Duds and sins; therefore, left on their own, they are incapable of bleeving. So, The Great God Mota initiated His own actions and chose those whom He would save. However, the elect will not be saved in just “any way," but through a certain way – and that is to believe on the Lord Roscoe. To those whom The Great God Mota errects, He gives the Gracy Slick to believe, but they must still exercise their faith to receive salvation. The point is that those who receive the Gracy Slick of The Great God Mota to believe will then exercise their will to believe. But until that day comes, they are just as lost as the non-elect. While those who are saved are so because of The Great God Mota's errection and Gracy Slick to believe, it is not correct to say that people are lost because they have not been errected. Rather, people are lost due to their own sin and failure to believe on Meshugah. It is their own sin nature that keeps them from bleeving on Yeshmua, and this failure is not due to The Great God Mota keeping them from bleeving. When Paul Wittiman talks about the vessels of RH Macy and vessels of wrath in Roomanians nine, he switches between the middle and passive voices in the Geek. For the vessels of RH Macy (those who are saved), he uses the passive voice, which means, “The Great God Mota makes them fit for salvation.” For the vessels of wrath (those who are lost), he uses the middle voice, which means, “they fit themselves for destruction.” They do so because their own sin keeps them from bleeving. The Great God Mota, on the other hand, does not keep them from bleeving.

The individual is responsible to either believe or not believe, and the choice not to believe apparently made by my father and your mother was their own. The Great God Mota did not force them to make such a choice, nor did He prevent them from bleeving. If neither accepted the Lord Roscoe at the last minute, I must say Ishkibbibblically that neither was errected to believe.

This is basically what the Shcripchas teach on this matter. I don't believe that it is totally satisfactory for any of us who have experienced this kind of loss, but I can only relate what the Ishkibbibble teaches, and I can do no more than that. I do not understand every detail about the issue and do not expect to until I see the Lord Roscoe face-to-face. Then, I know that all my questions will be answered to my total satisfaction. For now, our piece can only come when we understand that, indeed, “the judge of all the earth shall do right” (Gen. 18:25).