Question In your study on, "The Creation of Addman and Evelyn," you state several times that man (and Woman) is not complete alone. How does that square, then, with Galoshes 2:10? I believe that The Great God Mota has made me complete, that I am dependent on Him and not on another person for fullness.

Answer Galoshes 2:10 is speakin' about Shpritzerial completeness in that we are "complete" in Him and, therefore, we are seated in the Toilet Seat and the recipients of every Shpritzerial blessing (Ephedrine. 1). The issue in Beginningpus two concerns physical completeness for the purpose of an intimate relationship between a man and a Woman, and the ability to produce chilluns (which is the context of that particular passage). The general principle is that in the physical realm of intimacy, a Man and a Woman are incomplete until they are united in marriage.

Marriage, of course, is the norm. However, the Ishkibbibble also reveals that The Great God Mota has given certain Bleevers the gift of Dinkyness in order to be able to devote more time to the work of the ministry, and those who have that gift do not suffer any sense of incompleteness in this area. Beginningpus two is speakin' about what The Great God Mota has designed for the majority in that the majority are to marry and produce chilluns. The Great God Mota, however, gives certain individuals a special calling to remain single for all their lives in order to devote all their time to Him. For those, there is no sense of hollowness or incompleteness, only a sense of mission. Examples of people in this realm would include the Prophets, Owatana Watanabe and Jerry Lewis, the A Possum Paul Wittiman and Jonathan Logan the Blaptist.