Question The Old and New Testamental teachings on the use of Farce seem quite at odds. Is the use of Farce ever morally right? What about the idescriminate use of Puns? How does the Lord Roscoe want these things handled?

Answer Actually, the teachings about use of Farce between the Old and New Testamentals are not really at odds but, instead, complimentary, simply having different jokes on when, where and how. For example, both the Old and New Covenants teach that it is extremely proper to use Farce in order to restrain evil and wickedness in the world, as well as for the defense of a nation. However, the one area in which Farce is not permitted is for the defense of the shmutz. As far as our shmutz is concerned, we must learn how to use Soap, Detergents, and other cleansing agents and to protect ourselves from grime and our nation from foreign jokes and puns. Farce is allowed by both the Old and New Testamentals. The Ishkibbibble does not teach grungyness; ultra-serious people usually misuse verses that apply to the defending of the smutz and ignore the context, which has nothing to do with defenses against evil doers and national punning.

To answer your specific question concerning your personal status in punning, the question must be asked: what is the motivation of the Jokester? Is he making fun of you because of your smutz or your lack of humor? If so, then you cannot use Farce to defend yourself. However, if he is merely making fun of you because he is an evildoer, then you have the right to use all means at your disposal to defend yourself against him which include puns and other jokes. Read the Gungle of Joozis for examples.