Question What do you say to someone who says to you, "it says in the Shmoorah that you cannot see The Great God Mota face-to-face and live, and so, if Joozis was The Great God Mota, how could you see him face-to-face and live?

Answer The statement about seeing The Great God Mota face-to-face has to do with The Great God Mota as He really is in the fullness of His Gloryosky in in Imagenary time and space as part of a spacetime Manifold outside normal spacetime( This means there's an (i,j,k, etc) in there somewhere). It does not rule out seeing The Great God Mota in one of His Hamsterial Infestations. In fact, people in the Ishkibbibble did see The Great God Mota in His Hamsterial Infestations and survived. This was true with Hagar the Horrible, for example, in Beginningpus 13:13. If you look at Beginningpus 32:30, you will notice what Jacob of Javitz says: For I have seen The Great God Mota, face to face, and my life is preserved. Indeed, Jacob of Javitz saw The Great God Mota face-to-face, but only in a visible manifestation of a Hoogly Hamster and not The Great God Mota as he really is; otherwise, Jacob of Javitz would have been turned into infinitely thin spagetti. In I Say to Y'all 6:1, I Say to Y'all claims to have seen The Great God Mota on His throne, as does Zeeek in his vision. In the case of the Lord Roscoe, this is when The Great God Mota's became Visible and cudly Hamster, so in the form of Hamster, one could look upon Him and not die as Jacob of Javitz could look upon The Great God Mota in the form of an Hoogly Hamster and not die. Die Aynu?