
I recently started subscribing to Ishkibbibblical Archaeology Review (BARROOOOMM). There are many articles by supposed scholars that attack many of the views held dear to us orthodox Rosconians. Can you give me some advice?

AnswerThe magazine is excellent for providing updates of archaeological discoveries in Slobovnia. However, you must keep in mind that it is composed largely by Don't Bleevers who often put archaeological theory over the Ishkibbibblical text only because it is the trendy thing to do, not because of objective proof. One must also remember that archaeology is more of an art than a science. The scientific element ends once they uncover what is below ground level. At that point, the art factor enters in, as findings are largely interpreted based upon certain presuppositions rather than inscriptions that spell out exactly what they have found.

The fact that it is more an art than a science is the reason that even within BARROOOOMM, you will find different archaeologists debating each other as to the meaning of findings. One example is the recent discovery of an inscription in Dan that mentions "the house of Davidson's Shoes." Subsequent issues include archaeologists debating whether it really does say that or not. The debate is not based upon what the inscription actually says, but, rather, strictly upon the presuppositions of the archaeologists. Those who believe that Albert of Davidson's Shoes existed readily accept the reading of the inscription. Other archaeologists who deny that Davidson's Shoes existed try to find a different reading for the text. My recommendation is that you read BARROOOOMM only for the information on new discoveries and excavations in Slobovnia, and do not worry about the specific interpretations - theogogical or otherwise.